Tuesday 13 March 2012

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday i when to the music school to have my violin lesson. Then i went to grand west to meet my Bestie Avonlea and then went back to the music school for orchestra practice. After orchestra practice Ave and i went back to grand west, to the ice skating arena. I really wanted to try out my new white figure skates (hoping to get lessons too). While there, i bought Ave some hot chips and a milkshake. We really enjoyed ourselves, but the enjoyment didn't end there... later that evening we went to our friend Oliver’s house for a braai. That was quite fun:) when we finely came home, Ave and i watched pirates of the Caribbean 1. It was sooo hot that night that we had the fan on the max wind almost the whole night through (oh, and we had a tall bottle of water). Half way through the movie i fell asleep, but Ave was so interested in the movie that she watched the whole movie until the end. I think she went to bed at about...12 or 1am. The next morning, i woke up early to shower and get dressed for church. Ave woke up a little late but got done very fast with time to spare:) Had breakfast, and off to church we went! After church we went to a restaurant to have lunch and then went to roads memorial for the rest of the afternoon until Avonlea had to go home. After Ave went home, we had to drop Matthew and Mark at our friend Richard’s house cause they were going to a home school camp with him. So they went today... and they are coming back on Tuesday. The house is gonna be very quite now with them gone.
We have a theory class tomorrow and they aren't gonna be there to do the tests and homework! ONLY ME! Uuuuunfair! Oh well, in a way, i kinda enjoy it:) Its just that last week our theory teacher said that we are getting too little homework, so she gave us stacks to finish before tomorrow! I'm not done with all of it yet though. GOT to finish it before 1pm tomorrow. I better get started!

Thursday 8 March 2012


I'm so late with the post cause I've been so busy. but here's for last weekend:

The weekend was great. Friday, my brothers were working at someones house, doing sanding, painting, varnishing window frames etc. They really enjoyed that, but was most exhausted. I was just doing what i usually do, witch is school work. And my daddy was working alone in the office. I think he kinda missed having Matthew and Mark around. Saturdays, I wake up at 6:30am and get ready to go to music school (AAM). My violin lesson starts at 8:30am until 9am. Then at 9:30am i have my flute lesson until 10am. then at 10am i have to play the violin orchestra until 12pm. and straight after that at 12pm i have to play in another orchestra until 2pm. Then i come home to rest and have lunch. On Sunday my family and i went to our friends (the Young family) to watch a movie that my friends Evangel made. It took a whole three years to make. and the movie was awesome! Other families were at their house to watch aswel. It was a good time for bonding and meeting new friends. Saturday was every enjoyable:) Sunday was the same as always. Go to church, come home, have lunch, and go to gran (my gran lives a few roads away from our house), have snacks and drinks there, and maybe watch a movie. Then we come home, and prepare for another week. Starting off with a Busy Monday...

Thursday 1 March 2012

Fast Week

Wow! What a fast week this has been! I wanted to catch up on all the days I missed (Tuesday & Wednesday. But I just couldn't find the time! Anyway...I'll just have to write about Thursday then. OK...Well my Thursday started off with school, then writing about Monday for my blog. After that i had lunch (12pm). But the funny thing is that i cant remember what i ate. How sad huh? Anyway, after this mysterious lunch, I had to practice playing the piano for my up coming piano lesson (which is at 2pm). I haven't practiced for this WHOLE WEEK. Shhh!!! Don't tell my piano teacher! That's more sad than not remembering what i ate for lunch. Oh well! When my piano teacher (Judy) came, I gave her some accompaniment pieces for my violin exam which is coming up in may sometime. I asked her if we could practice playing together, since playing solo and playing with the piano is totally different (It's much more confusing with the piano playing as well). And so we practiced, and the piece sounded A-MAZ-ING! (if i have to say so myself). Judy said that she could just play that piece forever. and i felt the exact same way. But we already practiced for an half hour:( Oh well! After my piano lesson, I go to chamber choir and then to normal choir straight after that (yes, this is the home school choir:)) After choir my mommy and i go to the shop to buy a few things for supper. We went to my grandparents house that evening to share supper with them. We had steamed chicken (just the way i like it), crispy potatoes, hot rice and baked beans. That was a very tasty supper. After awhile spent at my grans, we went house and started tiding up all the rooms, and preparing for tomorrow. Such as laying out clothing, writing in diaries, showering and so forth. When finished with that we all come together in the lounge and do our family Bible study. Then by 10pm, we should all be in bed___asleep, Zzz! Thursday was most lovely!

Busy Modays!

Today is Monday. Most people hate Mondays. But in my family, Monday is a good day to try and learn new things that we can apply to the rest of the week. For me Mondays are awesome! Cause after my school work is done, I give piano lessons to the children in my mommy's preschool (which is right next to our house). I really enjoy the lessons, although at times it could get very tiring. Like when the child wants to tell me about their new shoes or what they done that weekend. Sometime their stories can be very.....interesting to listen to. Like this one girl Hannah told me about this dream she had. It was about a huge dinosaur trying to eat her! I forgot what happened next, but i remember at the end of this frightening nightmare, Hannah and the huge dinosaur were best buddies. and they lived happily ever after. Now that was cute! Anyway...After giving piano lessons to those sweet children, My brothers and I go to Music Theory class at the army base. Just picture this: Matthew, Mark and myself (as homeschoolers) in casual clothes, sitting with all these MS-D's with army uniforms on! It's quite a sight! We have a lovely/passionate/crazy theory teacher. She lets us learn music in a fun way. Such as letting us dance to the music, stumping our feet and clapping our hands to the beat! And just to joke about the pronunciations of the musical terms (such as "Acciaccatura" ha ha!). Theory class is most fun! My brothers and I enjoy every second of it:) Being home schooled doesn't mean that we have no excitement in our lives, it just means that we are more protected! I mean...Just take a look at my Monday (the day that most people hate so much). Now that's a LOT of excitement! And I'm sooo grateful to share it with awesome family and friends:)